Sunday, August 26, 2007

Belfast, Northern Ireland

I love Ireland! It’s a rocking place! Sailed back to Ireland and was so glad to get out of the “ghetto”.

Although, I’m getting really tired of the different currency we’re encountering. I totally forgot that Northern Ireland is part of the UK and they take Pounds, and not Euros. Grrr…forgot to bring the proper money out… Luckily, I have friends who “take care of me”…

On ships, “take care of me” means, “I’m gonna take you out and hopefully get into your pants.” Yup, that basically sums it up. The boys on ships get so desperate and lonely that they hit on everything that walks…hoping they have a slight chance of getting “lucky”… So far, I've received two big bouquets of arranged flowers, two take out Chinese food from port, my door decorated for me with balloons, a CD as a gift for the "DJ", and sea salt body rub for freakin' £40! Yikes! And it's only been one week on this ship! I have to be here for three more months!

Enough of that BS…sorry Tim, had to vent.

Well, didn’t do very much here. I should start signing up for tours. That way, my blogs aren’t so dry and boring.

Oh, Andrea J. and Alexis, this picture is for you. I took it in a camera/cell phone store. And it’s a cell phone case…except it’s a sock! See, remember a few years back when I put my camera into a sock and everyone laughed at me because my “invention” would never take off? They’re freakin’ selling a sock for £10 ($20.00 USD)!!!!!!

I would be rich by now if I had patent my invention! Hehehehe

Ok, ciao for now!



Andrea Jong said...

the socky phone case!!!!! hhahahahHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
Okay, so next time you have a bright idea...*ahem* the car freshener thingy..*ahem* know what I'm talking about? Now a brilliant idea! I miss you B! Love you muchly

Timbabwe said...

Love the vent. See if you can take advantage of these guys and get some "Guy Stuff" for me. Say you like videogames or something.

If all else fails, I'll take the salt rub :D

beLLe said...

Andrea J: hahah See!!! I was so "shocked" when I saw it! They had sock phone cases in Winnie the Pooh and everything!! And literally, you're buying just one sock and not the pair so it's not even versatile to wear as socks when the "fashion" for the sock phone case dies out!
I totally know what you're talking about with the car freshener thingys! hahahahhahahah I love you! You're so funny! I actually laughed out loud reading your email...ppl think I'm crazy.

beLLe said...


I'm totally going to work it! hahah I'm going to milk it as much as I can and see how far these boys will go! haha j/k...

I don't think they'll believe me when I tell them i want videogames. hehe I don't exactly seem like the type... however, I did manage to get that "London Police sweater" off one of the dudes here!! hehe I just asked if I could have it because I knew you wanted one. And it was a part of his uniform and he said "sure!" hahahahah There you go! And it's a medium! And it's exactly the way you want it with the shoulder pads and elbow thingys too!!!

Yeah, you know I'm milking it!

Timbabwe said...

Serious!? No way!
He gave you the shirt off his back.
That's amazing, you have fantastic powers. I'm so proud. :)

Thank you Belerina!