Sunday, September 30, 2007

Saguenay, Quebec

Buck no where in Quebec. I think Saguenay paid Princess to come into their town because they're thirsty for tourists!

Ai, ai Captain! How cute is this hat!

This photo reminds me of Vancouver...*sigh* I miss home...

Giuseppe and I on the tender boat...heading to town for lunch...

Met up with Mirko, who are both my Italian stallions...

Mirko's the one who I went shopping with the other day in Quebec City...he picked out my entire outfit because this dude has some serious style!
Mirko picked out this super chic jacket I'm wearing...

This town was full of choppers...I guess it's a beautiful Sunday afternoon to go cruising.

Mirko, me and Giuseppe...

If you hang out with me you have to enjoy eating...

Giuseppe: Fat Kid in training...

I had some Thai noodles...mmmmm had my Asian food fix finally!

We went to another cafe to have a coffee...there was really nothing else to do in this town...

Mirko ordered a beer and it came in a plastic cup. He was so sad because he's been drinking out of plastic cups on the ship...and he just wanted a regular beer bottle for a change! You can't feel like a real man drinking beer out of a plastic cup.

Sorry my blog's kinda boring today...but my blog is as boring as Saguenay so I don't have much to work with here... Maybe Sydney, Nova Scotia will be better:)

This is the view of the ocean from my portal hole in my cabin. Nice huh?

Friday, September 28, 2007

Why Canadians say "EH?"

EH?, n. [Colloq.] Canadian term for right?, Okay? Please, maybe, thank you, how about it?, don't you?.
Used after a statement or question. Said with spirit and pride even to Americans and other visitors.
Why do Canadians say EH?

Jared and I went out into town for lunch. I tried to find some poutine for him to try, but this fat kid can't afford to eat more of that junk!

He looks lost...he can't speak French and he doesn't know his way around. Good thing he has me around who also cannot speak French and I do not know my way around either!

J'aime la ville du Québec !

Je dois parler français encore ! ?

Je suis terrible au Français parlant mais avec reconnaissance ils comprennent l'anglais aussi !

C'est l'un de mes bons amis, Jorge.

I don't even know if my French makes sense, so I might as well stop while I'm ahead...

Haha I love this picture! Some random sign Jorge and I found. I look so uncomfortable crouching down like that.

How cool is this mural we found! Can you find me in the picture?

Looks realistic doesn't it?

Jason, Jorge and I are shopping around Lower Quebec. All the streets are influenced by the 17th century architecture. All the streets are cobbled stoned and narrow in width. It honestly felt like I was in France again!

It was raining so I bought myself a French Canadian umbrella...

Andrea J: I know you'll appreciate this picture.

Andrea J: If you weren't a vegetarian, you would be eating that bear instead of the other way around.

Can you read what Jorge's shirt says? "Good bush, Bad Bush." Cheeky little shirt huh? We found it in some tourist shop.

Quebec is so pretty! It's a nice change from all the other crappy Eastern Canadian ports we've been visiting.

Why can't I be normal for once? I must be high on Tim Hortons again or as Tim puts it, Canadian Crack...

Jason and I are the only Chinese crew staff on board, and look we can't even get along because there's one too many Chinese people... I'm totally kidding...

There are so many of these horse-drawn carriages in Quebec... Here's a tip: when crossing the street, let the horse carriages pass by first because those horses won't stop for anybody!

Random statue we found...of course, my tradition is to always molest it...

We got a tourist to take our picture...and surprise surprise, it's blurry!

I introduced Jorge and Jason to some good ol' fashion heart-clogging Poutine! YUMMY! For those who don't know what poutine is, it's fries covered in gravy and chunky mozzarella cheese!

Here's the fat kid at work again!

Random signs I found!

This was on a t-shirt...too much to read so I just took a picture of it so I can read it later. Am I lazy or what?

I thought this sign was so funny!

I bumped into my Italian buddy, Mirkko who is a fashion victim. He's a bad influence to go shopping with because he convinced me to buy everything!

He picked out this cute hat for me... He has good taste right?

Later on that night, a bunch of us went out into town to go clubbing in Quebec City! We're docked in Quebec for two nights and three days so we have tons of time to party!

Here are the spa girls I went out with that night to Le Maurice...Carina, Laura and Claire.

Of course, my token Auzzie friend Jared was there too.

There were only two main clubs in Quebec City. And the whole crew from the ship were felt like another night at the crew bar because we owned that place last night!

Too bad Carina and Claire are going home tomorrow:( I'm gonna miss you girls!

Random old guy breaking it down on the dance floor! Pretty fly for a white old guy...he was just givn'r on the dance floor!

This is me at the end of our night at Le more night to party in Quebec City tomorrow night! We're gonna hit up the other main club tomorrow!