Saturday, September 1, 2007

“Ou est le port de ship?!” in La Havre, France

OMG, 13 years of French in school and what do I have to show for it? Absolutely nothing! I couldn’t even get past the basics here!
So I didn’t get to go to Paris after all because I couldn’t get into the tour I wanted and it takes 6 hours to get there and back. So if I didn’t go with a tour, I wouldn’t have made it there and back in time! So I stayed in La Havre and butchered their French language terribly!

Went for lunch and had a great pizza at a cute café with some of the other entertainers. Then I went shopping in the beautiful downtown of La Havre. I bought a bottle of port for €6 which is about $9 USD. Cheap right?? Average wine prices were €1.25! They drink wine like water!

Well, when it was time for me to go back to the ship, I waited 45 mins for the shuttle bus but it never came. I didn’t want to be late again so I decided to take a taxi back. I had no cash so I had to find a bank. All I can say was “Ou est le banque?” My French is sooooo bad! They couldn’t even understand that! Whenever someone would ask me something, I would say “Je ne sais pa parler Français.”

Well, when I finally found a taxi, I had to tell him where to go. But I didn’t know how to say “cruise ship” in French…and I kept texting my friends in Canada to see if they could tell me, but they were useless too… hahah Randal even texted back “You’re a weirdo.” Thanks Randal.

Everyone on this ship was like, “I thought you’re Canadian. Isn’t French your second language!?” I’m so ashamed! I can barely speak English sometimes let alone another language!

Here's a random picture of me molesting a naked statue. I guess I envied her boobs!
Another random picture I took. Guess what it reminds me of?... Peanuts you pervert! What else were you thinking!?
Well, on a random thought of the day, I also learned what a shandy drink was. It’s beer with pop. Makes the beer go down easier for people like me who don’t like the bitter taste of beer.

Ciao for now!



philgood said...

Puisque vous avez appris le Français pendant 13 années ,c'est dans cette langue que je ferai mon commentaire.
Si vous n'avez pas pu aller à Paris en 6 heures c'est que vous n'avez pas la notion des distances 400KM pour aller et retour sans compter les bouchons.
Il ne faut parler des Français avec des clichés.Les Français sont les plus grands buveurs d'eau minérale au monde même s'ils boivent aussi du vin avec dicernement.Le vin à 1,95€ n'est pas le même que celui à 10€ et encore moins que celui à 50€.

Andrea Jong said...

omG. B..that post made me laugh!!! Did you text me too? I didn't get one! But even if you did, i dont think i could've helped you anyway...I would've said something like."Le cruise de ship...please?" hahah

Well, I'm glad you made it okay..that picture of the thumb is HIGHlarious! heheh

The comment by phillgood gave me a headache when i tried to read it! haha oh dear!

Come back soooON!

Unknown said...

That's ok, I took French for 4 years and all I can say is Je suis une grosse vache, lol.

Bonsoire et a bientot...


Andrea Jong said...

Oh man..i dont even know what that means!