Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Lufthansa Flight 493

Noticeable differences between German Flights and Canadian Flights:

1) Get extra cup holder space separate from your food tray.

Pro: Can leave tray up and have a place for you drink.
Con: The jerk in front of you can’t get comfortable so he keeps knocking the chair and making your drink spill. Grrrrr…

2) Your chair declines a lot further than Canadian economic plane seats.

Pro: More comfort for those long 9 hours ride.
Con: Less comfort if your neighbour in front of you also discovers how far back it goes. It’ll be a long uncomfortable 9 hours flightL

3) Free booze!

Pro: They keep topping off your drink with free wine!
Con: Makes you have to pee every 10 minutes! Sucks for the guy sitting in the aisle seat that has to get up and let me pee! Haha

4) Cool Bathrooms.

Pro: Lots of bathrooms located downstairs of the aircraft.
Con: More bathrooms = Bigger Flight = More People on the Plane = Long line ups for bathrooms.

5) Food

Pro: Was actually decent food!
Con: Makes you want more of it but you can’t have any! Boooo….

But hey, free booze!!!!! I’m such a lush, I need half a glass of wine to get drunk!

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