Sunday, August 26, 2007

Random Pictures from Holyhead, Wales

Andrea J. I know you’ll appreciate this picture! I bumped into a few “Vikings” as you would like to put it in Holyhead Wales.

Look at this massive wok! The biggest I’ve ever seen…and the guy using it isn’t even Asian!
I swear this train station in Wales looks like the one in Harry Potter!


Andrea Jong said...

Omg OMg OMG OMG OMG!!! I WAS SOOO RIGHT!! haha The VIKINGS! hahahahahaha with those animal cruelty hats!!! YOu must be having the time of you life B! Have you seen those little men (with hair) with the interesting spectacles yet? I have a feeling you don't know what I'm talking about. hahaha but you'll know when you see one!

p.S. Congratulations on becoming a Vegetarian!!! *highfive* I knew you would cave in eventually! I'm so proud of you!

beLLe said...

Errr... Andrea...I would never give up meat for the world. In fact, in the picture with the big wok, that guy was cooking up some sauted lamb for me:) MMMM...yummy..i love eating baby animals. hahah

Timbabwe said...

Especially Veal :)