Thursday, September 6, 2007

Viking Laws: Geiranger, Norway

Here I am in the most beautiful port I’ve ever seen: Geiranger, Norway.

I went on a mini hike with Kevin and Frenchie.

Rumor has it that this ice cream is the best in all of Norway. Boy are they right!

Frenchie and I doing some crappy version of a graceful swan.

How about the Karate Kid pose?

While doing the crappy Swan pose, I noticed this sign: It's totally warning Frenchie and I that doing the crappy Swan pose can lead to terrible cosequences...

I picked up a few useless information about Vikings I’d like to share with you…

Viking Laws

1) Be Brave and Aggressive

Be direct Grab all opportunities

Use varying methods of attack

Be versatile and agile

Attack one target at a time

Don’t plan everything in detail

Use top quality weapons

2) Be Prepared

Keep weapons in good conditions

Keep in shape Find good battle comrades

Agree on important points

Choose one chief

3) Be a Good Merchant

Find out what the market needs

Don’t promise what you can’t keep

Don’t demand overpayment

Arrange things so that you can return

4) Keep the Camp in Order

Keep things tidy and organized

Arrange enjoyable activities which strengthen the group

Make sure everybody does useful work

Consult all members of the group for advice

Like I said, this is the most beautiful place I’ve visited by far! Norway is the land of the fjords and pictures do no justice to the magnificent beauty of this country! These pics were taken during the sail away...

Sitting at the bow of the Grand Princess in Geiranger Norway.

One of the thousands of waterfalls in beautiful Norway!

The Seven Sisters Waterfall... Seven waterfalls fall to combine into one.

Norway is infamous for their fjords!

My sexy dancer friend Victoria who is also another female DJ!

My Canadian dancer friend, Braiden. Here are all my dancer friends. We're cold as hell because we're sailing and we're at the bow of the ship!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Belle...great pictures! I can't even imagine how beautiful it is if the pics don't do it justice!! Got the PC...thanks!! Just think, you're keeping the grannies young!! :) I must admit, I've been a closet checker- checking your blog without posting! Your randomness has kept me entertained...especially when i need a break from work!! Remember...i'm living vicariously through you!! BTW, Kieren is leaving...totally unexpected! She's onto bigger things...YAY! Don't feel bad, enjoy your trip of a lifetime... there'll be other opps when you get back! You're the queen of random cool jobs, remember?! Anyways, take care!