Monday, December 3, 2007

Cozumel, Mexico

Here we are in beautiful Cozumel, Mexico.

Jorge, Giuseppe and I found this gorgeous, secluded beach, Sanchos Beach.

Here I am enjoying a cold piƱa colada...I should be drinking a Corona but I don't like bear.

Giuseppe has the Mediterranean advantage of being tanned before he hit the beach. Not fair!

Here's Jorge just glad to be out in the sun because he desperately needs it!

I would look so much sexier if I had bigger floaters:(
Oops! I must readjust my non-existent floaters.

Here's Jorge trying to look like a swimsuit model.

This is Jorge and I trying to take an underwater picture.

Giuseppe didn't want to join us in the water because he wanted to beat me in our tanning contest. He claims he can be darker than me by the end of my contract.

I think I'm darker than he is even though he has the Mediterranean advantage.

Jorge and Giuseppe dancing away to their Ipod music. They look kinda funny because they're the only ones that hear the music.

Well, if you can't beat em', join em'. We're dancing to "We are a family".

Alright, our day at the beach has come to an end. We must pack our things and return to jail... aka the cruise ship. They only let us out a few hours at a time and we must return to work after getting a glimpse of paradise.

Look at these beautiful cruise ships...some people actually pay to be in least we get paid to be on it.

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